Growing up I was never big on reading.
I have a vivid memory of being terrified to read out loud in class. At 10-years-old, I remember feeling worried that I'd read something wrong during group reading time.
I freaked out and told myself "I need to be prepared". So I read ahead and memorised a paragraph to make sure I'd read it just right when the teacher called on me (and to make sure I woulnd't embarrass myself).
Then when it was my turn to read, of course all that preparing fell short... I was so nervous that I stuttered over my words and royally stuffed it. When it was finally done, I swore off reading in front of people ever again!
I was not a fan… books and reading could ping right off!
That was until I turned 19 and stumbled across Bryce Courtney’s “The Power of One'' (and the Twilight book series soon after). Once I’d experienced that magical feeling of being so engrossed in a book that you can’t put it down, I fell madly in love with books and reading!
Flipping through the pages of novels and smelling that old book smell (it’s a thing)...
To visiting bookstores and libraries just to browse the shelves (my favourite kind of window shopping)...
And reading books before falling asleep each night...
These are now some of my favourite pastimes.
I love how you can get lost in a book. That you can find yourself in another world, see the world through different character's perspectives, and discover new things about yourself and others.
There’s so much learning and wisdom to be found in books. It's actually one of the places where I’ve picked up a lot of what I now know about money. Some books introduced me to new money concepts and piqued my curiosity about areas of money I wasn’t familiar with; encouraging me to learn more.
While other money books inspired me and got me looking for ways to implement what I’d learned into my own life. If you’re on a mission to learn more about money and expand your financial education, here is a list of books that can help you do just that.
These are my favourite money books of all time that I recommend every person read at least once in life:
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko
How Much is Enough by Arun Abey and Andrew Ford
On Your Own Two Feet: Steady Steps to Women’s Financial Independence by Helen Baker
You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape
The Barefoot Investor for Families by Scott Pape
Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki
Retire Young Retire Rich by Robert Kiyosaki
Can you tell some of these books have been read more than once?
Scroll through to see how loved (bent, marked, and torn) some of these oldies (but goodies) are...
Are you familiar with some of these titles? Perhaps you’ve read some of them too?
If so, what did you learn or love about the money books you've read? Feel free to comment below this blog post or send me an email. Connecting with others over awesome books is amazing! If you’re looking for a more detailed review of each book, I’ll put together separate blog posts shortly to share that with you also. In the meantime, this list is great to get you started.
Most of these books you’ll find at your local library, and many of them are affordable to buy from your favourite book retailer too.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have and that they help to expand your own financial education, skills and understanding.
Until next time, Happy Reading!!
Jaleesa x
PS - if you're interested in reading up on how to teach your kids about money too, my new guide "How to Talk to Kids About Money" is perfect for that! Click the button to find out more:

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