Money Lessons
A fun series for childrens financial education!
Are you ready to simplify money and teach kids invaluable habits and skills?
We’re on a mission to transform financial education for the next generation, and help families build deeper connection along the way.


The magic of books!
Welcome to The Road to Riches
A place where money questions are asked, and important money skills are gained.
Tell me more...

We designed the Money Lessons series for children aged 2 to 8 years old, as a fun way to introduce them to money concepts early. Research shows that kids start forming financial habits as early as 3, and by 7 years old their money attitudes and habits are fairly set.
To assist kids in developing money behaviours and skills that will empower them long term, these books are tools that parents, carers, and teachers can use to support young minds during this important time.
Covering eight fundamental money lessons that every kid needs to know, these bright, fun, and uplifting books help make learning about money easy and enjoyable! Plus, they invite kids to get curious and inquisitive about money, spark engaging conversations, ignite imaginations, and open little eyes to what’s possible. These colourful and wholesome books are what parents, carers, and schools have been waiting for.
Here’s a snapshot of what kids will learn along The Road to Riches:
The Characters and Money Lessons
Meet the kids who travel the Road to Riches, the Money Teachers who guide them, and discover the lessons they learn and apply.

What's more...

Parents can read these books to their children each night before bed, or schools can use them as resources to accompany the curriculum and support teachers with their lesson plans.
Childcare centres can take money lessons from these books and turn them into fun imaginary play opportunities, or they can be gifted to soon-to-be-parents, carers, or grandparents.
These books are not only for entertaining, educating, and empowering kids, they are also fantastic tools for fostering strong bonds and opening lines of communication between child and adult. Each book includes a bonus section at the end with practical tips and scripts so you can apply the lessons learned in the real world too, and keep the conversation going (how cool is that?!)
Through making money fun, simple, and safe to discuss, these books can help transform how the next generation relates to and operates with money.
Why it matters
We didn't create this book series for funsies. It's here because this work matters. The facts and stats tell us so!

According to research, financial habits start to form at 3 years old, and by 7 years old money attitudes and habits are set. Financial education needs to start early.
Teaching financial education is highly valued. 94% of Australian parents and teachers say it’s important to learn about money and finance.
68% of parents say their child is not learning, or they do not know if their child is learning about money and finance at school.
Only 21% of teachers report having taught financial education in the last year.
49% of parents say they need resources to help them learn how to talk to their kids about money and finances.
45% of Australian parents are concerned their kids will lack the skills they need to be financially successful.
Financial literacy in Australia has been declining since 2012. According to research, there is overwhelming support from parents and teachers to teach children foundational money lessons to better prepare them for their futures.
Get started with these FREE resources!
If you're keen to kickstart money lessons with your kids, you'll love these free resources I've created. These tools help kids develop two fundamental money lessons: how to make money, and how to save it.
We'd love your help to spread the word! We invite you to share the Money Lessons series with the people you know - with your family and friends, your fave barista, and on your socials by clicking this FB share button
Every little bit counts!
As a start-up book series, we need as much help as we can get! So Thank You for joining us on this adventure.
Let's make money fun in the community and make a difference to the financial futures of our kids!
Together, let's go far!